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Tuition & Drop-In Rates

Tuition Rates
Water Babies

$155 / month

Advanced Toddler

$210 / month

Learn to Swim

Group: $155 / month
Semi-Private: $210 / month
Private: $310 / month


$155 / month
Annual Membership Fee: $35 / student (non-refundable)

Drop-In Rates*
Group Drop-In

Non-Enrolled Students: $35.50
Enrolled Students: $25.50

Semi-Private Drop-In

Non-Enrolled Students: $48.50
Enrolled Students: $38.50

Private Drop-In

Non-Enrolled Students: $71.50
Enrolled Students: $61.50

boy swimming under water

Discounts & Promotions

Customer Referral Program: Refer a friend or family member who enrolls in our program, and as a current Splash family, you will receive a credit on your Splash account ($35.80 value). The friend or family member need only mention that you referred them to us at the time of their enrollment, and we will then automatically credit your account with the free class. There is no limit to the number of referrals a family can make! (This offer valid only for new referrals to Splash.)

Sibling & Multiple Class Discount: Enroll in three or more classes per week and receive 10% off your family’s tuition.

Active Service Discount: Students with a parent currently serving in the US Military or working as an active police officer or firefighter will receive a 10% discount off tuition.

General Policies

At Splash Swim School, we specialize in small group lessons. In order to maintain the optimal learning environment, we reserve the right to cancel and reschedule classes that do not meet the minimum of two students.

While we will take all teacher requests into consideration, we cannot guarantee them due to circumstances beyond our control. We also may need to make instructor changes due to business considerations. It is our aim and goal to provide the best possible swimming experience for all of our students.

All children under the age of three must wear a fitted, reusable swim diaper while swimming. These are available for purchase in the office. Plastic training pants, disposable swim diapers or regular diapers are NOT allowed.

When you enroll your student into a class, that spot is held exclusively for you, and we will have a qualified instructor and warm water waiting for your child each week. As such, we do not offer make-ups, refunds or credits for missed classes. If your child is unable to attend, you have three options:

  • Bring your child to his or her next scheduled lesson.
  • Schedule a drop-in class. Each current student receives 3 complimentary Splash Passes per year. After that, drop-in classes can be purchased at a discounted rate.
  • Attend a family swim event at one of our schools. Please contact the office for dates and schedule.

Consistency is one of the keys to our program, and we ask that you do your best to regularly bring your child to swim class. Should you find that your current schedule is no longer convenient, please contact the office about changing your regularly-scheduled class.

If we cancel a class for reasons which are within our control, we will try and re-schedule your child’s lesson for that week so that he or she does not miss an opportunity to practice their skills, or if you prefer, apply a credit to your Splash account for future use.

Should you wish to cancel your class for any reason, we ask that you provide us with a minimum of thirty days’ advance written notice. Withdrawal forms can be processed at any time, so if your last class falls on a day other than the last lesson day for the given month, tuition will be automatically pro-rated. Forms are available at the front desk, or you can simply send us an email at

Special Note: If you have a student enrolled in multiple classes and you wish to cancel one of the multiples, we only require advance written notice of one week. The thirty-day policy still applies to the student’s principal class.

If your student has recently been awarded a Starfish Award in one of our Ribbon Level classes, congratulations! These awards are considered graduating levels, and you may cancel your child’s class with a one week written notice.

If you need to make a change to your regularly-scheduled class, simply contact us twenty-four hours before your next lesson. We will be happy to move your class going forward to another day and/or time, based upon availability.

For planning purposes, keep in mind that our lesson week runs Monday thru Sunday, and because we hold your student’s spot in their lesson exclusively each week we, unfortunately, cannot accommodate same-day moves. Any move requests that are received on the same day will take effect the following week.

After your initial enrollment and registration, each month’s tuition will be charged via direct debit on a credit card or bank account on the 1st business day of the month. For more detailed information about our payment policies, please see our Account Registration packet page.

Any unused gift cards or credits on your Splash account will be automatically applied during the debit run. If there is a Splash holiday in the month, tuition will be pro-rated accordingly. Please see our Calendar page or contact the front desk at one of our locations for further information.

For your convenience, we proudly accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.


Get Started with Swimming Lessons Today at Splash Swim School